January 2025

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Wednesday, January 1st, 2025


brown tank top blue jeans flip flops


New Years

habit tracker

x 8 hours of sleep

o left the house

x gym/yoga

o creative activity

x night routine & self-care

pic(s) of the day

kewpie baby sweater kewpie baby sweater

brain dump

Today was weird but not in a bad way, I guess. I'm not one to feed into the idea of "new year, new me" because I've learned that, for myself at least, that's incredibly unrealistic. Hell, there are random points throughout the year where I have an urge to simply change my life in its entirity overnight... but does that ever happen? No.

We had some unexpected visitors today too, which... honestly threw my day off a lot more than I originally wanted it to. As I get older, I'm very quickly realizing that I really hate the idea of surprises, and maybe that's just because I grew up as an overly anxious individual, or maybe I just have control issues.

Anyway, it was nice to see them, don't get me wrong, but... a phone call would be nice next time so I don't settle down for a nap and then get awoken by their presence. In napping news... I really wish I could stop taking them because I feel like they're ruining my overall sleep but... whatever.

The kids go back to school on Monday, and I'm slated to start my new job at the school... soon? I dunno. It's put me in a weird position where I'm frustrated but also incredibly grateful at the same time because... employment is good, but the fact that time is being taken to get me hired and all that jazz feels very counterproductive to what I've been taught growing up about punctuality. Dunno. Will think more about that in the coming days, I fear.

Thursday, January 2nd, 2025


grey ed hardy tee shirt blue jeans flip flops


Therapy Day

habit tracker

o 8 hours of sleep

x left the house (1)

x gym/yoga

o creative activity

o night routine & self-care

pic(s) of the day

brain dump

i fear i have very little to say for today other than wow... therapy days are always very exhausting as of late but that's because we've started doing EMDR work. I will admit that I was skeptical at first about EMDR because in my mind, it was grouped in the same area of brain work (so to speak) as hypnosis, which I don't believe in. Re: I have control issues.

Still, my therapist is an absolute angel and even though EMDR work is so very taxing both physically and mentally... it really does work wonders for me (as well as my boo thang FLUoxetine) and I feel like... despite the fact all I did today was take naps on and off... this is setting me up for a really good year, and I'm excited